Ticking Head Creations

Arts and crafts from your friendly neighborhood tickyhead.

I need help


This is hard to post but I don’t know what else to do. I need help. Again. tl;dr money needed ASAP, any you can spare, links at the bottom. Full story between.

It is looking more and more like I will never be able to work again. The doctors don’t know what is wrong with me or why I’m in so much pain. Most have given up and handed me off to someone else. The last one didn’t even bother with the second part. I don’t see another until the 16th (my usual rheumatologist), but given the downward trend so far I’m not seeing any reason to think she’ll have anything for me but condolences.

Because I have been on medical leave for so long I am broke. Not simply “barely holding afloat,” I mean I am about to be two payments behind on my car. I barely paid rent. I can’t afford to eat. I was given food stamps recently…to the tune of $50 a month, which they then immediately docked because they overpaid me by accident. No one in charge cares. Even if I were to get on permanent disability I would be given pennies while every aspect of my life was heavily scrutinized on the *smallest* chance that I was lying. It’s probably all I have left for me now, though.

Living in the Bay Area is no longer sustainable for me. I don’t really know if it ever really was, as even with a job paying me over $2000 a month I was living paycheck to paycheck. I will likely need to move in with my parents again when the lease is up this year, in their small retirement egg in an ultra-conservative hellhole in the middle of nowhere. No offense guys, I love you dearly, but you chose poorly. I am not safe there.

If you have anything to give at all, I need at least $330 ASAP just to keep my car from potentially being repo’d. Beyond that, I need:
— some way make about $2000 a month for the next six months,
— assistance finding and moving into a cheaper living situation,
— assistance applying for long-term aid, if there is any I can even get

Links to help with this:

I am trying my best, but I am tired of fighting.

I am tired of being strong.

I want to rest.