Ticking Head Creations

Arts and crafts from your friendly neighborhood tickyhead.

Site Health, My Health


Some of you may have noticed that the website was down for a while. In trying to migrate from WordPress to something that doesn’t like to hold grubby greedy hands with AI, I borked the entire site. This was my bad, I will have the current website up for now but know that I am working on a solution in the background of the site. Hopefully without breaking it this time.

In other news, my personal health is abysmal…and getting worse. I have additionally been let go from my job (that I was on medical leave from), and can no longer sustain myself where I live now.

I will be moving to my parents’ retirement nest egg in late April, as they are the kindest souls known to man and have graciously made it clear that, so long as they have a house, I have a home. However, the area is…less than great, especially for a queer weirdo like myself. It also ostracizes me from everyone and everything I care about in my local area, as I will no longer have access to the friends, LARPs, medical professionals, etc. that I have often taken for granted.

I don’t know what the solution to this is. I don’t think there is one. I’m taking things as they come but I am in a lot of debt and a lot of pain, and I see no way out of either.

I am not going to ask for money again. I have already asked for it too much. If you would like to support me in an increasingly rough time, please consider the following options:

  • Watch and subscribe to my twitch streams. I stream art and games every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday, with health permitting. You can find me at https://twitch.tv/tickyhead
  • Buy a commission slot when they are open over at https://ko-fi.com/tickyhead/commissions. I will endeavor to be better about regularly letting people know when they do.
  • Support more progressive and leftist politicians and legislature that advocate for social security funding and networks, UBI, universal healthcare, equal rights for disabled and other marginalized communities, etc.
    • Yes, I know I am showing my colors here. You should not be surprised that the queer disabled artist leans leftist, honestly.
  • Build the queer nerd commune you keep saying you’ll build. I’m waiting.
  • If you are a personal friend in the area: help me pack, sell excess items, and move in the coming few months. I need all the extra hands I can get.

Thank you. I’m sorry.

